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The Surprising Truth About Age and Wisdom

My wife, Liane, and I when we first began dating.

The past month or so has been tumultuous (to say the least). But as I reflect on everything that has happened, one sentiment reigns supreme — gratitude.

Navigating through the uncertainties of life is never an easy feat, but through all the ups and downs, I learned a valuable lesson: Life goes much better when you lead the dance rather than the other way around.

After being reprimanded at my last job for leaving at the end of my shift (my manager said I needed to stay until dismissed and that 14-hour days, on top of a two-hour commute, would be required the week before Christmas), a battle ensued in my head between the older, more responsible me and the younger, more defiant me. 

The younger me won. 

“That’s not going to work,” I said. Then, I packed up my things and left.

Of course, shortly afterward, I felt guilty. What was I thinking? We were moving at the end of December — we needed the money. Young me was too impetuous, too much of a gambler. I have a family to support, young me didn’t. 

I cursed young me all the way home, ashamed I didn’t just suck it up until I could find a better job. Isn’t age supposed to bring wisdom? 

In retrospect, I’m not too sure.

A little voice in my head (probably young me, he’s a loudmouth) kept telling me that staying in a bad situation is not really wisdom — it’s fear.

How many people remain in bad relationships because they don’t want to start over? Is that wisdom? 

I don’t think so.

Sometimes, we need to get out of toxic environments — immediately — and not worry about what the future holds. Because, in truth, we never know what the future holds.

In my case, my family and I wound up in the beach town of our dreams, and, thanks to my friends and former co-workers at Bang Energy, I now have three freelance writing jobs and just accepted a full-time position that pays me even more than my last job. Best of all, I’m happy; my family is happy.

Somewhere, young me is saying, “I told you so!”


Residing in Hollywood, Florida, I am a full-time freelance business/sports writer, with published work by Investopedia/Forbes, Motley Fool, CBS Sports, AOL Sports and others.

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